What they say

Unique, a completely different story compared to the conventional corporate speakers. Charismatic, interesting, original. It is the right choice for a Team building or Leadership event.
Expo Magazine

Having a novelist introducing a corporate event is in itself an original and stimulating fact for everyone. We listened to his ‘Kulturbarer’ speech and were amazed by his ability to give a concrete contribution to the company by inspiring teams and opening up original points of view.

Best Motivational Keynote Speaker of the Year 2023
The novelist Davide Amante has received recognition for ‘Best Motivational Keynote Speaker of the Year 2023’ in this year’s Media Innovator Awards from Corporate Vision. Appreciated and sought-after by corporations in the European Union as well as in the US, novelist Davide Amante has revealed a new trend and the advantages of hiring an author as a keynote speaker. 
AI Corporate Vision